Specialized Library Regional History Museum - Vratsa
The specialized library housed in the Regional Historical Museum – Vratsa was established as a separate unit in the structure of the institution in 2009. Until then, due to the lack of suitable premises and the equipment required for that purpose, the available literature was stored and used in the offices of the respective scientific and administrative departments.
At present, the museum library comprises about 4500 titles. The organization of the library fund is in compliance with the structural department of the RHM, Vratsa and with the areas of the scientific and research activity. The available literature is differentiated and classified by scientific areas as follows:
І – Reference Section – includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps and atlases, albums, reference books, bibliographies.
ІІ – World history – contains information on the countries in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa.
ІІІ – General history of Bulgaria.
ІV – Archeology /General archeology, Prehistory, Ancient archeology, Middle Ages archeology, Numismatics/.
V – The History of Bulgaria ХV-ХІХ c.
VІ – Ethnography.
VІІ – Modern history.
VІІІ – Contemporary history.
ІХ – Art.
Х – Museums.
The periodicals are classified by scientific areas – History, Archeology, Ethnography.
Due to its specific functions and the valuable specialized literature it has, the Museum library functions only as a reading-room and the books cannot be borrowed for home reading. The people who visit the library are museum specialists, scientists, university lecturers from the country and overseas, students, teachers, pupils, local historians and citizens who are interested in history. To facilitate its readers, the library is equipped with a copier, scanner, printer, photo-atelier, and internet connection.
In 1977, volume I of “Bulletin of the Museums in North-West Bulgaria” was issued – a periodical with main office in the RHM, Vratsa, but it was co-written together with the museum workers in Vidin, Montana, and Pleven. The bulletin became a scientific tribune for the associates of the four museums, treating issues of the whole specter of the cultural-historical heritage in the outlined region. Until now, 31 volumes were issued (the last one still in print).
In 1991, a new edition was added to the “Bulletin of the Museums in North-West Bulgaria” – “Bulgarski Severozapad” Series. Due to its limited volume, it contains single papers, monographs, collective articles, materials from scientific conferences, topically separated studies, etc. So far, 32 issues have come out in print.