The Exhibition in "Grigoriy Naydenov" Museum
"The child's world at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th c." Exhibition
The “Grogoriy Naydenov” Museum features the first self-contained exhibition in the country “The child’s world at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th c.”. With its archive of photographic material and original specimen of household belongings, related to the child’s rearing practices, their clothes and accessories from infancy to adolescence, with the reconstructions of ritual belongings designed for the child, this exhibition traces the family environment of children in an urban and a rural setting, the upbringing they received, their place in the world of the rituals of our people. Particularly impressive are the exhibits that shed light on the world of play of the village child. They employ creative ideas and are made of natural materials. Among the exhibits are traditional children’s toys, household belongings used in their daily games and pastimes, musical toys especially made for them, dolls known more as “rag-dolls”, made of wheat stems and corn foliage leaves or of towels, animal figures from the same materials, various types of balls, games and accessories for the winter fun activities.
The exhibited world of a town’s child is also rich and diverse. Particular attention is to be paid to the archive of photograph materials and the collection of household belongings related to the child’s rearing and especially the original pram that could be found in Vratsa on the borderline between the 19th and 20th c.. The visitor’s curiosity is stimulated also by the manufactured children’s toys influenced by the European culture and the secular education, some objects marking the child’s first steps in school and some school aids that take the child into an entirely new world.
The exhibition displayed in The “Grigoriy Naydenov” Museum reveals to the visitor’s eye one forgotten but nevertheless multifaceted and variegated world – that of the Bulgarian patriarchate family, full of love for the child and care for his physical and spiritual growth.