Archeological Exhibition
The Archaeological Exhibition is accommodated in the rooms “Pre-History”, “Ancient World”, “Middle Ages”, “Thracian treasuries”, “The Rogozen Treasure” and “Lapidarium”.
The “Pre-History” room presents the development and the achievements of the human societies from the hoary antiquity until the Roman epoch. The exhibits show the material and the spiritual culture of the Paleolithic (30th – 8th millennium BC), Neolithic (7th – 6th millennium BC), Stone-Copper (5th – 4th millennium BC), Bronze (3rd – 2nd millennium BC) and the Iron (1st millennium BC) Ages. The most prominent of these exhibits are:
– An early Neolithic grave from the village of Ohoden
– A collection of vessels of cult and anthropomorphic small clay figures from the village of Gradeshnitsa, the village of Brenitsa and the town of Krivodol
– A clay plate and bottoms of vessels with the earliest pictogram signs from the village of Gradeshnitsa
– A copper pick-mattock, hollow bronze axes and a rapier from Mycenae from the region of Vratsa.
Among the other exhibits are also ceramics, objects of life, working tools and equipment, and weapons that are peculiar to each of these periods. Photo-panels visualize the main objects and studies in the region.
The “Ancient World” room houses artifacts from the Roman and the Early Byzantium epochs (1st – 6th century). Among the most remarkable specimen are a bronze Roman diploma, a clay pot of cult, a collection of stone plastic art, bronze medical tools and a bone amulet. The exhibitions show ceramic vessels, agricultural and crafts tools and equipment, weapons, whereas the photographs focus on the most important archaeological sites.
The “Middle Ages” room highlights the cultural and the historical heritage of Vratsa region during the period of the Bulgarian Middle Ages (7th – 14th century). Here one could see typical old Bulgarian decorations, bone icons-amulets, an old Bulgarian inscription dating back to the 13th century with the name “Vratitsa”, a silver reliquary, objects of daily life and working tools and equipment.